Hong Kong Wrap Up

We have departed Hong Kong, and it was a lot of fun on the whole.  Getting around was surprisingly easy.  The MTR is easy to navigate and is very cheap and efficient.  The city buses were a little more complicated – but not too bad.  Taxis are also plentiful and relatively inexpensive.



Hong Kong is extremely safe.  At no point did we feel even the slightest bit threatened.  I would not have any hesitation walking around the city in the middle of the night.

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Macau and Michelin Stars

On our third day in Hong Kong we took the ferry to Macau.  Macau (pronounced Ma-Cow) is a small Portuguese country know for casinos and gambling!  The ferry ride was about an hour long.  You have to bring your passport, because you are technically going into another country.  When we got there, we walked around the historical areas first.  It is very different looking than Hong Kong.

The buildings are very colorful, and it has a much different vibe than Hong Kong.  There are several areas with shops and markets. Many of the shops were selling something that was similar to beef jerky (but they didn’t call it beef jerky). It was some sort of dehydrated sheet of meat (beef, pork, boar etc.).  All the places were giving out samples. Justin tried it. I wouldn’t.

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