Aptera and Chania

Well, I decided I better wrap up these blog posts on Greece. I pretty much got lazy at the end of the trip and abandoned my blogging 🤣

But, we had some really good moments that are worth writing about.

On our last day in Crete, we traveled to 2 different towns: Aptera and Chania.

Aptera had some ancient ruins that were pretty cool. I can’t remember much detail about the ruins, but I do remember James complaining about the heat 🤦‍♀️

Ruins of an amphitheater
James with the ancient cannon balls

After Aperta, we drove to Chania.

Chania is an old town with some influences from Venice, Italy. It’s on the water, and we enjoyed walking around the town and the Port. There were many spots in the middle of the town that turned into dig sites for ancient ruins.

We also visited an old Greek church in the center of town and ate at an awesome restaurant called Columbo Kitchen.

📷 by James
Hanging out in the shade
Souvenir shopping….another knife

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