Off to the Rhone

Today, we left our cute little vacation rental in Burgundy to head to the Rhone area of France. It is another wine making region that I’m pretty unfamiliar with, so it will be interesting to try some of the wines and compare them to Burgundy wines. Although, the wines in Burgundy are going to be tough to beat (in my opinion).

On the way to the next stop, we did a Beaujolais tasting. I’m not a huge fan of the Beaujolais nouveau wines but willing to try more traditional varieties. They were all pretty good and extremely reasonably priced! Although, I think everything will look like a bargain coming from Burgundy 💰💲.

Hanging out amongst the grape vines

We also had lunch at Auberge du Cep on the way to the hotel. It was all very good, but my favorite thing was definitely the souffle!

I mean, so light and so yummy

In the Rhone region, we are staying in a town called Tain l’ Hermitage. It is an ancient Gallo- Roman city protected by walls, towers, dungeons, and ditches (per the pamphlet in our hotel room).

There is a chapel at the top of a hill. Justin proposed that we walk up and see it. Since, my step count has plummeted since we left Paris, it sounded like a good idea. I didn’t exactly pack the correct shoes for an uphill hike of sorts. It was steep and unpaved (mostly). There was alot of slipping, but we both made it up and down safely and got some beautiful views of the city.

city views…. half way there!
The hiker
The Chapel
Made it to the top

After that, we walked around the city a bit, but almost everything is closed on a Sunday.

Tomorrow, we will taste some Rhone wines. Then, head to another hotel for one night before returning to this one for another night. Long story.

I wonder if coach O will get fired while we were here? Les Miles got fired the last time we were in France. Coincidence?

Anyway, Who Dat!

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