Diving, Curry, and a Snake at my Pedicure!

I can’t believe how fast Koh Lanta has come and gone! Tomorrow we leave for Singapore!

Koh Lanta has been a wonderful stop on this journey and just what we needed after a few busy weeks in big cities. There is something about being at the beach that makes us relax immediately…..maybe it’s because I’ve been wearing a bathing suit and flip flops everyday instead of 2 jackets, a hat, a scarf, and wool socks! Getting dressed in Thailand has been much easier than Japan.

We went diving a total of 3 days (2 tank dives each time). I really enjoyed all of our diving trips. The dive shop, Dive and Relax, was very organized, safe, and professional. I would highly recommend them to anyone coming to this area. The first couple of days, the water was rough, but once we were in the water, we didn’t have any trouble. Our dive guide, Pan, did a great job at pointing things out under the water and made us feel very comfortable.


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On our second diving day, we went to the island Koh Haa. We were able to go into a cave and come up to the surface to look around.  We saw lots of different fish and beautiful corals. I especially liked the beautiful purple corals that we saw today. Other than the first dive on the first day, visibility was great. Justin informed me today that he’s surprised that we didn’t see any sharks. I’m OK with that! We won’t be diving again until we get to Port Douglas in Australia and dive the Great Barrier Reef.

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I think it’s a good thing that we are leaving tomorrow because I think both of us could use a break from Thai food…..for our own good! We have been loving all curries, pad Thai, and lemongrass soup, but it’s back to real clothes tomorrow (I’m not looking forward to putting my jeans on)! We are both looking forward to incorporating some Thai food into our regular meal rotations in Baton Rouge.

Every afternoon, after the dive boat brought us back, I got a Thai massage, and they were all great. I may never have another opportunity to get a massage at this price again, so I took advantage!

Here are the totals:

Thai massage- 4

Foot scrub- 1

manicure- 1

pedicure- 1

snake- 1

Grand total: 2050 baht or 70 dollars! They didn’t charge extra for the snake.

While I was getting my pedicure, we noticed a snake in the tree pretty close to us. I may ride elephants, pet tigers, and swim with the fish, but I don’t do snakes. I have to draw the line somewhere. I got up and ran to our room until the situation was handled….although I kept my eyes peeled for anything moving in the bushes!

Overall, Koh Lanta has been a great stop. I could have done with more hot water, amenities, and water pressure, and less old people in tiny swimsuits and snakes.

But I could sit and watch the sunset for hours……



See you in Singapore.

XOXO Alyce


7 thoughts on “Diving, Curry, and a Snake at my Pedicure!

  1. Alyce I am with you I am afraid of snakes too!! WOW……..I can’t believe you had all those spa treatments for $70.00! Thats amazing!!
    I must say I am glad diving is over for awhile!! Now the next thing will be driving on the wrong side of the road……..Justin please drive very careful!!! Hope y’all enjoy Singapore as much as you did Thailand!!!
    Love y’all XXOO MOM

    • Don’t worry, Justin has had to drive on the opposite side on all of our trips to the Caribbean…..he’s pretty good at it!

  2. Love the underwater pictures as I know I will never scuba dive! To chicken. Can not blame you for taking advantage of the spa treatments. I would have to pass on the snake till it left the scene also. Enjoy Singapore. Look forward to next entry. I check it everyday. Thanks, Linda

  3. Can’t believe you are ready to leave Thailand . Diving looked wonderful but I am with Leigh, makes me nervous until I know you are safe.The underwater pictures are beautiful.and the snake yuk! I hate snakes. I would have run too. All in all it seems like Thailand was a success. See you in Singapore!
    Love. Mom

  4. Hey Lycey,

    I finally got a chance to check out your blog! It sounds like you are having the time of your life! Next time Justin and you plan another vacation journey, Tyler and I want in! I look forward to your upcoming blogs. Stay safe.
    Best, Laney

    • Hey Laney!
      We are always looking for travel buddies! Good hearing from you and glad you are following along with us 🙂
      Hope Florida is working out great for y’all!

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