London, UK 2014 Wrap Up

Europe.  Here at last.  While Europe seems to be the most common site for international travel –  as well as most peoples’ first intercontinental destination, we seemingly traversed the rest of the globe before making it to Europe.  Alyce had really been wanting to go to Europe, and I was excited about it too.  Our first stop – London.

London…Easy to figure this one out.  It’s the capital of the country England.  But wait, what about the United Kingdom?    Or Great Britain – where does that factor in?


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London, UK In Pictures

With the nasty weather in London, I didn’t bring my big camera out with us everyday.  Also, with the ridiculously expensive public transportation (combined with the weather), I didn’t spend any nights out exploring with my tripod (cf. Paris).  So everything we took in London was just hand held, walking around.  It still gives you a pretty good idea of what we saw.

See the link below for all the pictures, and scroll down for some selected shots:!i=3040579811&k=9RQnVMT

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