Today, we started with a champagne tasting at H. Billiot (at 9:30 🤪). We tried a few different champagnes and bought some to take with us. Then headed back to our hotel to get ready for a fancy shmancy lunch.
I didn’t get much of a chance to elaborate on the place we are staying, but it’s super cute. It seems like a renovated farm house. It has all the modern amenities and lots of charm.
The husband and wife stay on property and cook breakfast in the morning. The made us scrambled eggs and had a beautiful bread basket with croissants, baguettes, and pain au chocolate.

Lunch was at Assiette Champenois. It was so so nice and delicious! We started out with a glass of champagne on the patio. I couldn’t stop looking at the lawn mower robot. I was mesmerized. It is basically a roomba but for the lawn. So cool!

After that, we moved into the dining room and had an incredible meal. I don’t really know what everything was, so I’ll let the pictures tell the story!

I forgot to mention that we got the wine pairing (which we don’t usually do). Needless to say, they basically had to roll me out of there.
But, the fun didn’t stop, because we were off to another champagne tasting. This one at Villemart. We had a tour and a very nice guide. We tasted 5 champagnes that were all wonderful. Honestly, the details get a bit (alot) fuzzy at this point 😬 .

One thing that we are hearing consistently from all of the champagne houses that we have visited is that 2021 was an extremely difficult year for wine making. There was hail, rain, frost, mildew. All the tough stuff in 1 year. We have heard that some winemakers lost 100% of their crop. I can’t imagine how devastating that can be for some of the smaller winemakers 💔.
Well, we are off to Burgundy tomorrow morning!
One quick thing to add that always makes me laugh. At these super high end places that we have been eating, they don’t put any prices on my menu…. only on Justin’s. Of course, it doesn’t matter (as it all comes from the same pot), but still amusing. I guess it’s a French custom.
Better go to bed, Justin said we are leaving at a firm 8:30….. I’ve been pushing these limits a bit, so I need to get my act together!
The food looks amazing!