Admittedly, we’ve slacked on posts lately. Our last travel related post was November 2017. It is now 2021. We had a couple dog posts in between now and then, but that’s it.
There are several reasons for this lack of posts. Most of them revolve around our new house. I’ll have a post on that, but it pretty much consumed life between March 2017 (when we initially looked at it) and March 2019 (when we moved in). As a result, we traveled less – though still some. Plus, any free time I had was spent working on the house and not writing blog posts. I also finally finished my (very) part time grad school program as well.
2020 was supposed to be our year to get back on the travel bandwagon…and we all know how that went. I’ve got trips planned for 2021. We’ll see how that plays out. Big TBD there.
The good news is I have finally caught up on planned posts. Here is what I have worked up:
- Introduction to Rex – our new family member
- Trip Wrap Ups on:
- South America
- Boston
- Charleston
- Cancun
- California and Texas
- Disney
- Post on the house project
- 2021 Planned Travel (for posterity’s sake)
Hopefully our planned 2021 trips pan out, and I’ll have several more posts to write. This time on a much more timely basis…