Adios Madrid

Today, we took it pretty easy. We had a somewhat slow morning the walked through the park. If you have been reading this blog throughout our trip, it would seem like we spent alot of time in parks…..we have! I think that Justin and I both like it. Any open area that James can run around and burn off some energy is at the top of our list. Unfortunately, that means that we miss some of the tours and museums that we probably would have gone to under different circumstances, but overall, I’m happy with the way we did things this time around.


Last year, we attempted to do the colosseum tour and Vatican Tour. We made it 90% through the colosseum tour, but my time was spent trying to keep a 15 month old entertained, so I didn’t really get to listen or enjoy it. We cancelled the Vatican tour all together. We thought that he would enjoy the tour through Florence last year ……wrong. So, learning from our mistakes, we kept most days pretty open. I think this worked out way better. There was much less frustration on both sides.

We didn’t get to go into La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona or The Prado Museum in Madrid, but we did have alot of fun together…..and that’s what matters. I’m sure that we will have other opportunities to do those things on future trips. Right now, it’s just about being together.

So, today, we walked through the park and visited the many playgrounds. We also walked through the Royal Gardens. This was very pretty and shady!

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We spent the rest of the afternoon playing cards and munching on meat, cheese, and bread from the market across the street.

For dinner, Justin and I went to Lakasa. It was good, but not my favorite of the trip. We have eaten so much good for that I worried I won’t it in the seat on the airplane!

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Please pray for us! We head home tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to the flight.

See you soon, New Orleans!


2 thoughts on “Adios Madrid

  1. I have really enjoyed this trip along with you all! Looks like everything went well with a few exceptions. James is so adorable. The pictures were beautiful and your blogs are very entertaining!! I’m sure you are ready to get home though. I know of two people who missed you and will be happy to see you!! I have really enjoyed reading about your adventures!! Love you all!!

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